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In order to further popularize fire safety knowledge, enhance teachers and students’ awareness of fire safety, master the basic skills of quick escape, self-rescue, and mutual rescue in a fire scene, and improve the ability of teachers and students to prevent fires and respond to the emergencies, all the teachers and students conducted fire drills in accordance with the "Fire Escape Drill Implementation Plan" formulated by the school in the morning of April 1.



At 9:30 a.m., a fire broke out on the second floor of the school  building(simulation). The fire command center immediately set off the alarm. As the evacuation alarm sounded, the teachers led the students to bend over, and cover their mouths and noses with handkerchiefs or their sleeves,evacuated quickly from the scheduled route to the safe areas in the school playground. The whole process was tense and orderly.





Teachers and students were organized to watch the initial fire fighting method. Students were taught to use the dry chemical fire extinguisher to put out the fires correctly. The students were highly engaged and took turns to practice, so that the students were more proficient in the correct operation methods and know more about the daily maintenance knowledge of fire extinguishers.





After the drills, director Chen Yao made a detailed summary and emphasized on the issues that needed to pay attention during evacuation.He stressed on the importance of the drills to all teachers and students, and asked them to keep the evacuation route and bottom line of safety in their mind.




 校园安全,责任重于泰山。 希望全校师生能以这次消防安全演练为契机,进一步把我校的安全工作做好、做实,把各种安全隐患消除在萌芽状态,为继续推进平安校园、和谐校园而不懈努力。

The responsibility for campus safety is very important. We hope that all teachers and students of the school can take this  drill as an opportunity to do a better job in the school safety work, nip the potential safety hazards in the bud, and continue to work on building a safe and harmonious school campus.

开展消防演练 筑牢安全防线