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Language plays an irreplaceable role in social life. Juvenile period is a critical period for learning language usage and organization. It is an important task for primary school to improve children’s language competence .




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In order to train students to learn to obtain and process information independently , inspire students to pay attention to news, trivial matters in daily life around them, we need to create a good language environment and opportunities for children to express themselves and improve themselves.


According to the age characteristics of primary school students, our school has launched an activity "I am a little broadcaster" , to meet the needs of children, so that children can pay attention to things around them, to train children's language expression ability and enhance their language organization skills through practice.


Some of the children conduct news broadcasts, and some conduct random interviews, in various forms. Below is a display of our excellent works.


This was an highly-involved activity, which not only trained the language competence of the children,but also boost the students’ confidence. Many excellent works is yet to be displayed, but teachers of Chinese teaching group will keep working hard and lead the children to explore more meaningful practical activities.
