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Student’s assignment is a studying activity with goal, instruction and organization, also an important step in teaching. Quality assignment helps to solidify and deepen the knowledge the students have learned, and develop the intelligence and creativity of the students. In every sense of the word, it is extremely important for a student to develop a good habit in term of assignment.




To develop a good studying habit, students needs to continuously reinforce and consistently infiltrate the habit. If your child is slow doing homework, parents need to work with the teachers to find out the reasons, whether the child is incapable or unwilling to do it, whether he/she has slow processing speed or parents don’t provide a good homework environment for the child. Then we can find a solution for the child based on his problem. Through which we can prevent idleness, and with time the good habit will be naturally formed.


To help students to develop a good habit in term of  mathematics assignment, teachers need to engage the students in the daily teaching details with patience. Once the students form a good habit, it doubles the efficiency for both teachers in teaching and students in learning.

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